Exciting News!

So, it’s taken a decade, but I’ve finally finished reading a novel from every country in the world! I’m not sure if anyone has managed to do that before.

When I started what I thought of as my Crazy Project back in 2011, with the multi-volume Chinese classic Journey to the West, I wasn’t even sure if it would be possible to do it, especially after (mid-stream) I decided to limit myself to novels. (This is why I decided to read in population order, China to Vatican City). Was there actually a novel in existence from every country? In the end, a few countries proved very difficult – most of the small Pacific Island countries, Laos, and North Korea, for example. In the end, only one proved impossible to find a published novel from (though I’d read a non-fiction book from there) – Palau. Fortunately, as for the amazing Ann Morgan, local writer Susan Kloulechad came to the rescue with an as-yet unpublished manuscript. Enormous thanks Susan!

It became much more difficult to source books from overseas after Australia slapped a GST on them and many websites, including Amazon (apart from their Australian site), simply refused to ship here any more. Fortunately, the year before I’d gone on a buying spree and had covered most of the bases.

Even though I’ve finished reading down the nations list, I’d like to apologise that I’m several months behind with my posts, but they’re still coming. And I’m still reading! I still have lots of territories and other places to cover – Ladakh, Macau, and Western Sahara are coming up soon.

Have a wonderful new year everyone with lots of exciting reading adventures! Thank you so much for reading and supporting me!


10 responses to “Exciting News!”

  1. jenniferlaforest12 says :

    This is super cool, I am currently on #119 of Anne’s original list, I’m doing it kind of like the Julie and Julia movie although I am not doing it in a year like she originally did. It’s interesting to see your choices vs. the ones I am reading.

  2. pattymilburn says :

    Encouraging! This is my goal too; to at least start the journey. My first book is The Good Earth, started today, 1/2/2022.

  3. scott colburn says :

    Great job! Doing the same from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area in the USA. Just finished #128. Not going in any order. Also read “In The United States Of Africa” for Djibouti, finished last week and then read one from Sierra Leone. Glad to hear there are available books from Oceania, that’s the one area I have found the hardest to find. I’m reading mostly books from a public library system, because I have not the funds to buy them all and don’t like online commerce. Cheers!

    • tirelessreader says :

      Well done Scott, you’re doing well! Are you just reading novels too, or anything? Yes the Pacific Islands were mostly very hard. I was pleased with my Solomon Is choice (review coming on Monday), if you can find a copy! Buying books can be very expensive so libraries are the way to go, as much as possible!

  4. xllpa says :

    Absolutely inspiring! Congratulations on finishing your challenge! I also decided to try reading my way around the world last year, and am hoping to make some decent progress this year, it is wonderful to see so many people attempting the same

    • tirelessreader says :

      Thanks so much for the kind words! Are you reading novels, or any books? I’m sure you’ll learn a lot about the world on your literary travels!

      • xllpa says :

        Mostly novels, but I’ve read a few memoirs, poetry collections, and short stories too, because it’s more important to me that the author is from the country I’m reading about rather than the type of literature. Limiting yourself to only novels was definitely an impressive feat, and congratulations once again on achieving your goal! Hopefully I can make some good progress this year too

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